Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tonight's meeting Postponed!! Meeting Postponed

 Due to illness and weather - meeting is postponed to next Wednesday, Feb 19th

Monday, October 21, 2024

Joe "Taco" Kopler

 Council #55 has lost one of it's most talented and fun members.

Joseph "Taco" Kopler passed away Sunday October 13th, 2024

Besides being our resident artist, Joe was a fount of ideas for projects and fundraising.  
He got us going with our community Tag Sale

He did a print of the Academy to raise money and his "Drop in the Bucket" sculpture 
can still be seen at St Peter and St Francis Churches.  Tim Flynn arraigned the following so he could "give" out bulletins on more time.

We know Joe is at peace with our Lord and probably working on adding his artistic touches to Heaven.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Congratulations to Father Carlos

 Congratulations to Father Carlos

On becoming a 4th Degree Knight

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Ministry Expo

 St John Paul the Great is having a Ministry Expo on October 27th at St Francis Church

The Expo will go from 8am to 2 pm and all Ministries will be displayed.

If you want to know what is going on in our parish and meet and hopefully join the people who make it happen - please join us.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Luminaria 2024

Our annual Luminaria event is coming up soon. 

We will be selling bags to be decorated after Mass starting the weekend of October 18-19 

  • The price will be the same as last year - $2 for one bag - $5 for 3 
  • You can put as many names on a bag as you would like  
  • You can specify which of the 2 Churches to be displayed at 
  •  You can take the bags home to fill out and return with payment. 

 Display will be All Souls Day, Saturday November 2.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

August Meeting and Picnic

Our annual Meeting and Picnic is scheduled for Wednesday August 14, at St Peter Hall - rain or shine.

Note Time - starting at 6:30 pm

 Hamburgers and Hotdogs are on the menu.  If you have a favorite dish you would like to bring, feel free.

Because during the Summer, so many are on vacation, I am asking everyone to RSVP if you think you will be attending, especially if you know you are not.  We will have some guests and if you know someone who is eligible and interested in joining us, bring them along, just RSVP so we know how much food to have.  

Email: or call/text 860-3075204

Monday, June 17, 2024

Art Coffill

 Art was a local District Deputy who helped us get Council #55 up and running in 2010.

He passed away June 7th after a long illness.  Here is the information on his services:

His energy, dedication and laugh will be missed.

Thank you Art and rest in peace.