Good Works

Please let the Recorder know when you participate in any event helping your Church, Neighbor or Community

5/16/2015 Help set up for Father Sullivan's 1st year celebration.

2/19/2015 Donation of $1,500.00 to kick-start Rectory Boiler Fund.

2/19/2015 Donation of $50.00 to St Jude Telethon. (matched by $50.00 from Grand Knight)

2/15/2015 Pancake Breakfast
                    $600.00 to the Two Hearts Pregnancy Center
                    $600.00 to treasury for Seminarian Fund and more.

12/11/2014 Help set up for Our Lady of Guadeloupe Festival

10/16/2014 Donation of $1,000.00 to the Cluster to help pay for the gift books.

8/16/2014 Help out at St Francis Parking lot

2/22/2014 Help out at St Francis Parking lot