Saturday, April 27, 2013

Silver Rose Prayer Service

Save the Date
A one-night stop of the “Silver Rose” Icon of Our lady of Guadalupe has been scheduled in Torrington. The Silver Rose began its journey in Canada and will ultimately arrive in Mexico City on the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12, 2013. Please join us in a prayer service

Our Lady of Guadalupe - One Life, One Rose - Silver Rose Prayer Service
Join us in praying to Our Lady to strengthen efforts to restore the culture of life in our society.
Where: St Peter Church
Day: April 30, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM
Through moral conscience God speaks to each of us, inviting us to defend human life at all times”. – Pope Benedict XVI March 1, 2011
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus

Thursday, April 11, 2013

From our Grand Knight - New Field Agent

Brother Knights,

I met recently with our new field agent, Chris Radlicz. I have extended an invitation to him to join us in our next business meeting, Thursday, April 25, at 7:30 PM. He has accepted and is looking forward to meeting with each member of Council 55.

If you should have the need to meet with him prior to the 25th, his contact information is as follows:
203 267 7710 Office
914 715 8575 Cell

Keep these dates open

Fellow Knights,

Some dates to mark on your calendar:

Confirmation is May 10th and we have been asked if we will work the parking lot as we have done in the past.  They need traffic control so we can keep the parking lots free for parking for the service.

Also, on May 19th is the Pentecost Picnic and we have been asked to help with cooking hot dogs and hamburgers.

These events will be discussed at the business meeting on April 25th so be sure to be there.


Chris Zarzycki