Sunday, November 16, 2014

Luminaria Lighting

The weather did not cooperate on All Souls night with 40 mph gusts of wind.  The decision to postpone until November 9 brought much better weather.

Pictures will be posted soon, but thanks go to those who helped out:

St Peter
     Joe Guarnieri
     Mark Sosnowski
     Albert Lafleur

St Francis
     Jerry Belli
     Thomas Amoroso
     Chris Zarzycki

Sacred Heart
     Matt Mastrogiovanni
     Andy Lach
     Steve Kozlak

St Mary
     David Neri
     Frank Chowaniec

And a special thanks to Brother Chowaniec who coordinated the event and made it a success.

(If I missed anyone - please let me know)

Saturday, August 30, 2014


As all of the officers had expressed a interest in staying on, the only open slot was the 1st year Trustee as all the other trustees moved up and Tom Gluz as the 3rd Year trustee moves out of that slot. Mark Neri put is name in for that and there was no opposition, Deacon Roy made a motion to have the Recorder place one vote for the entire slate. This was seconded by Tony Olivapotenza and all were in favor. The Recorder, Chris Zarzycki, then placed the vote to elect the slate.


October is not far away and we will be looking for members to sell the Luminaria Bags after the Saturday and Sunday Masses. People will put the names of loved ones that they wish to have remembered and displayed on Old Souls Day. This a good fundraiser for the Knights and very popular with parishioners. Please sign up to help make this success


On July 29th Council 55 had its first Pancake fundraiser at St Peter Hall. Ticket sales started out slow, but picked up and there were many walk-ins. They were treated to a breakfast of 2 large pancakes, eggs, and sausage. To drink we had orange juice, water, tea or coffee. Everyone commented how it was the best pancake breakfast that they had ever been to. Thanks to Bob Severi and Mark Sosnowski for their effort and all other volunteers who sold tickets, mailed out tickets, served and cleaned tables and helped with cleanup. We have decided to make this an annual event and look for other members to assist in the planning and putting on the next one.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Knights News for July 4th Weekend

Our Pancake Breakfast was a success thanks to everyone who turned out to cook, mix, serve, clean, sell etc.  A report on how we did will be forthcoming, but it looks like it was a good event.  There were many compliments on the breakfast and the size of the pancakes!

Due to the number of members who will be away this weekend, it was decided to postpone the Quarterly Mass to another Sunday.  Stay tuned for updates as well as the installation of officers.

There will be no business meeting in July, but there will be an officers meeting.  This will help plan events for the fall and discuss the membership drive.

Remember First Friday comes up on July 4 - 5.  8am Friday to 8am Saturday.  Since it is a holiday, take a few minutes with Our Lord at Sacred Heart Church.

Have a Happy 4th of July weekend!


Chris Zarzycki

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

New Priests from our Council

On May 17, seven new priests were ordained by Archbishop Blair.  Two of them are well known to our Council.  Father Michael Ruminski was our sponsored seminarian and besides the monetary support, we also had Father Graziani's chalice refinished and presented to him.  Father Michael will be serving in Windsor.  Also Deacon now Father James Sullivan was a member of our council and much to his and our surprise has been assigned to the Torrington Cluster of Churches.  We welcome the new priests to their calling and look forward to working with Father Jim in his work here in Torrington
Fellow Knights,
We have lost one of our Brothers.
Henry Cosgriff passed away Thursday night  May 15th peacefully at his home. 
He was one of the original "new" Knights of Council 55 and always eager to help out at Knight events and our Quarterly Masses.
This is link to his obituary:
Remember to keep him and his family in your prayers.

That smile was contagious and he will be missed.

Upcoming Knight Events

This week First Friday is June 6 from 8 am Friday to 8 am Saturday.  After hours use the side door to enter.

Our regular business meeting is on June 19th, where will be having elections of officers for the 2014-2015 year.  Also final plans for our Pancake Breakfast will be discussed so you don't want to miss this meeting.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Our new Insurance Agent, Stephen Fredericksen, recently lost his son to illness. 

Please keep the family in your prayers.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Movie Night

The Social Ministry will again show movies at Sacred Heart Church during Lent

The remaining movies are:
    March 15th- Marty (Holy Rosary)

    March 22nd - Road to Perdition (Knights of Columbus)
Just to give you a head's up on Road to Perdition, it is rated R for violence and language but it's a really, really good movie.  It stars Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Jude Law and Daniel Craig.

    March 29th -  Secondhand Lions (Holy Name)

    April 5th -  A John Wayne movie (St. Anne/St. Francis Cabrini)

We will sponsoring the March 22nd movie night, all Knights are welcome to attend - my understanding is that is no work to be done.  Of course you can attend any one and food and refreshments are supplied or you can bring your own snacks.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

New Field Agent

On January 16 we welcomed our new Field Agent, Stephen Fredericksen.  He spoke of contacting members in order to update the Personal Service Records and also providing assistance and guidance to the Council.

Stephen is a member of Armor Del Council #3960 (Wolcott) and a 4th Degree member of Assembly #135.

He has over 17 years of insurance experience and 15 years working for various Catholic Schools withing the Archdiocese.

He can be reached at 203-519-8432.

We welcome Stephen to our Council.