Sunday, November 15, 2020

Christmas is A-Glow Event

 Here is the news for the week of November 15th

St John Paul the Great Academy is planning a "Christmas Is A-Glow" event at Action Wildlife.

This is an event to benefit the school and they are looking for volunteers to sell Christmas trees, Wreaths and other things

They are looking for volunteers to man the hot chocolate booths and more.

As discussed last meeting, the Knights were asked to help move one of the Displays and help with traffic flow.

The details of the move are still being worked on but you can sign up online if you would wish to help in other ways.

The sign up page is here:

Unfortunately we got this information too late to sign up for yesterday and today.

I assume they will need help for next week and.  I will try and get more information before then.

Here is more information on the event:

If you do not have access to a computer but want to sign up, the only number I see as a general number is - 860-489-4177