Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Advent Service

 We helped out with the Parish Advent Service which featured Father Jim Sullivan talking about his trip to the Holy Land.

The breakfast was eggs, sausage and hashbrowns and we may have found a shortcut on making great scrambled eggs.  

Thanks to all who helped out.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All Souls Luminaria Information


We will not need the set up meeting, but I will need people available at 5pm at the two churches

We are expecting some youth group members to help so the setup should be easy.

The weather is looking much warmer than in previous years -  we may need a cool drink instead of a hot chocolate!

The wind is expected to be calm by 5pm.......

Here is the list of people from verbal discussions.

If you are not on the list and would like to help, email me back - remember, we need people to watch during the lighting and then for cleanup afterwards.

If your name is on the list and you cannot be there by 5, let me know so I can move people around.

The Mass at St Peter is at 6:30 - so we should light around 6 so the candles will not be out until about 15 minutes after the Mass - so we want to keep everything going to at least 8pm.  If we are having to replace many candles at that point we can close down - it is up to us if we go much beyond that.

Note - when we clean up take some time to make sure the bases are returned so that the fill is in an upright position.  That keeps the water level up.  As we lose the water ones I am introducing wooden bases which do not have that problem.

All supplies are going in the St Peter Hall basement after the event.

We do expect people will be purchasing bags at the event - we will have supplies at both Churches.

Have a great day and we hope to see you tomorrow for a wonderful and Holy event.

St Peter Matt

                John S

                Steve K



                Bob S

                Brian D

                Tom A

St Francis Tim




                        Joe K

                        Brian D

                        Robert Demaida

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


Solidarity Council #55

March 22, 2022

Fried Dough Friday

We will be having a quick trial run for Fried Dough Friday on Friday March 25 from 5 - 6 pm

The event will be Friday April 1 and we need about 10 volunteers with spouses and responsible children welcome.  The time will be from about 3 - 8pm but shifts can be arranged.

More details to follow.

April 8 - Parish events

The Parish is looking for volunteers for the events on Friday, April 8. St Francis

6pm – 6:40 pm Stations of the Cross  (1 person at each door)

7PM Tony Melendez* performs until 8:30-9pm (1 person at each door)

7pm – 8pm or longer Confessions (3-4 people to assist with the flow)

Throughout the event, a table that sells Tony’s books and CD’s (2-3 people)

I have one person so far but need 1 or 2 more to unload Tony’s truck from 2pm-5pm, and will need about 3 people at the end of the show to help reload the truck.

If you can help: Christine Delgrande <

Remember  - all you do for the Parish counts towards the Knights credit

*Flyer attached


Good Friday – Stations of the Cross procession through town

April 15th  12pm –   starting and ending at St. Francis, walk to Sacred Heart then St. Peter, with 3pm prayer service at St. Francis. There will be several stops along the way with a total of 14 stations. Final plans for the route are still being worked on. 

 Father Emmanuel would like our youth to participate, which we are working on. However, it is spring break and there are people that have already said they won’t be around.  Anyone that has done this in the past and has information on the details of the procession, please pass it along. I would greatly appreciate it. 

If you can help: Christine Delgrande <

We are in need of a photographer for these events as well.


St. Joseph Medal of Appreciation - March 20, 2022, 3:00 pm - Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hartford CT

Fellow Knight Ken Galitello Jr was a recipient of this award.

Congratulations to Ken!

Video of the event - click here.


A message from the CT State Faith Director

Worthy Council Program and Faith Directors,

We would like to invite you and any interested Knights from your councils to attend the virtual Blessed McGivney Day of Reflection March 26 from 9 AM - 3 PM.

The Knights of Columbus Connecticut State Council will present a free virtual Blessed McGivney Day of Reflection on Saturday 3/26/22 from 9 AM – 3 PM.  This event examines the spirituality of the founder of the Knights of Columbus, Blessed McGivney and the principles of Charity, Unity and Fraternity.  The goal is to inspire and energize participants with knowledge and spiritual motivation to “continue his (McGivney) work of caring for the needy and the outcast”.*  This work is a great way to obey Jesus’ new commandment in John’s Gospel, ”This is my commandment: love one another as I love you” (John 15:12).  The presentation is virtual using Zoom technology.  Activities, include prayer, presentations, talks, video and discussions. 

This is open to all members of the Knights of Columbus.  

For additional information, to register or help in joining contact: CT Faith Director / Retreat Program Director: David Imhof, 860-604-4710.

The meeting room for this one day program  will open up at 8:30 ET and the program will start at 9:00 AM and end at 3 PM with breaks and lunch time provided.  

Activities include prayer, videos, presentations on Blessed McGivney’s charisms and Into The Breach as well as talks on the Eucharist, Charity, Unity and Fraternity and discussion time.

We have space for 100 participants at each event. Feel free to get your own ideas from this program to do this within your jurisdictions.  We are open to help you in any way possible.  Preregistration is required and will be first come first served.  The meeting link to the program will be given when you preregister.


Vivat Jesus,

David Imhof, DD

CT Faith Director




Aid for Ukraine


More information to follow



Council #55

Torrington  CT

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Meeting 3/3/2022 and Fried Dough Fridays

 Our next meeting is Thursday March 3, at 7:30 pm at St Peter Hall.

Also, we are planning a fund raising event - Fried Dough Friday to be held during lent.

The event committee is traveling to a council already putting on this event to learn what is required and will report back to the council by email with their findings and the schedule.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

January 2022 Meeting

 Our January 2022 meeting will be on January 6, at St Peter Hall

7:30 pm - 8:15 pm approx.

There will be a video link sent out on Wednesday night to all who cannot attend in person.

Officers and committee chairs who cannot attend should submit reports to the Recorder, so they can be read into the minutes.