Council #55 has lost one of it's most talented and fun members.
Joseph "Taco" Kopler passed away Sunday October 13th, 2024
Council #55 has lost one of it's most talented and fun members.
Joseph "Taco" Kopler passed away Sunday October 13th, 2024
St John Paul the Great is having a Ministry Expo on October 27th at St Francis Church
The Expo will go from 8am to 2 pm and all Ministries will be displayed.
If you want to know what is going on in our parish and meet and hopefully join the people who make it happen - please join us.
Because during the Summer, so many are on vacation, I am asking everyone to RSVP if you think you will be attending, especially if you know you are not. We will have some guests and if you know someone who is eligible and interested in joining us, bring them along, just RSVP so we know how much food to have.
Email: or call/text 860-3075204
Art was a local District Deputy who helped us get Council #55 up and running in 2010.
He passed away June 7th after a long illness. Here is the information on his services:
His energy, dedication and laugh will be missed.
Thank you Art and rest in peace.
This year the Council put in $100. and encouraged individuals to donate in the name of the Knights of Columbus Council #55. We donated in total over $250 in 2024.
Thanks to
Matt Mastrogiovanni
Bob Severi
Greg Nypert
Mark Sirois
Chris Zarzycki
For their donations.
For 2025 let's see if we can get that up - every dollar helps!
I just found out about the passing of one of our members, Raymond Birden.
Ray had not been active recently, but he was in our thoughts and prayers.
Here are some of the pictures from our pancake Breakfast:
Rev. Carlos Zapata has achieved Life Membership in the Knights of Columbus.
Here is is presented with his Honorary Life Membership card but the current Grand Knight, Chris Zarzycki.
First and foremost - please keep in your prayers our Brother Ken Galitello who is in the hospital. Remember him as fights this tough and courageous battle.
Our pancake breakfast is this Sunday at St John Paul the Great Academy. This is the first time back since 2015. The last time three was a snowstorm but we weathered (pun intended) the storm to have a successful breakfast.
We will have a initial setup at 10 am on Saturday probably lasting about a hour to get the basic layout going.
On Sunday we will open the kitchen around 6 am and the breakfast starts at 8. Clean up will be around 12:30 so we need your support even if just for part of the morning.
Remember - wives, children and potential Knights are welcome to help out - we will have a Knights recruitment and Ministry table set up.
Also - The Parish is looking for volunteers for the foot washing on Holy Thursday. If you are interested, please reply to this email and I will get you in contact with the proper person.
Knights of Columbus Council #55 is having a Pancake Breakfast on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024, at Saint John Paul The Great Academy, 360 Prospect St, Torrington. The hours are from 8 am until 12:30 pm. The donation requested is $9.00 for adults, $5 for a children's meal. Takeout is available. Tickets are for sale after weekend Masses at Saint John Paul the Great Parish or at the door
Council #55 of the Knights of Columbus was chartered to help the Parish in Torrington and the local community. Proceeds from this event support the Academy and our Seminarians
Because our meeting would have fallen on Ash Wednesday, we have moved the date back to February 21.
Please make on a note on your calendars.
We had a great team cooking for the Advent retreat on December 16th.
Thanks to Bob Severi and the gang for a great breakfast. Thanks to Greg Nypert and Jim Cavanaugh who helped with setup and takedown along with serving . We worked with the Holy Name, so thanks to Mike and Mark and any other members who stopped by to help. Of course a big thanks to Don Rossi who always helps with the cooking.
We had a good turnout of Youth and this is good training for them to help with our Pancake Breakfast.
Someone remind me to take pictures next time!