First and foremost - please keep in your prayers our Brother Ken Galitello who is in the hospital. Remember him as fights this tough and courageous battle.
Our pancake breakfast is this Sunday at St John Paul the Great Academy. This is the first time back since 2015. The last time three was a snowstorm but we weathered (pun intended) the storm to have a successful breakfast.
We will have a initial setup at 10 am on Saturday probably lasting about a hour to get the basic layout going.
On Sunday we will open the kitchen around 6 am and the breakfast starts at 8. Clean up will be around 12:30 so we need your support even if just for part of the morning.
Remember - wives, children and potential Knights are welcome to help out - we will have a Knights recruitment and Ministry table set up.
Also - The Parish is looking for volunteers for the foot washing on Holy Thursday. If you are interested, please reply to this email and I will get you in contact with the proper person.