Friday, March 20, 2015

Brother Ralph Murphy

As many of you know, on Thursday, March 19, we lost our fellow Knight and Advocate, Ralph Murphy.  Ralph, or The Judge, as we called him, was present at the rebirth of Council 55 and a fixture at the business meeting, carefully scrutinizing the minutes and providing a legal eye on our procedures.

Brother Ralph at the 2012 installation of officers, proudly wearing the jewels of office
He was always interested in documenting events and along with some other Knights, videotaped Father Sullivan's first Mass in the cluster. Often regaling us with his law stories, war stories, and just stories in general,  Ralph was steadfast as a Catholic man, and encouraged us to get more politically active fro the causes we believed in.

Showing that it is never to late, Ralph made his Fourth Degree in his nineties, to finish the journey as a Knight.

Council 55 extends its condolences and prayers to his wife and family.  They should know he had a great effect on all of us who got to know him.  In Christ we will see our brother again, if we can live like he did.

A full obituary and schedule of arrangements can be found on the Phalen Funeral Home web site (click here).   As part of our honoring him, we will gather as a council at the wake, at 4pm on Sunday.  Members who are able to attend the funeral on Monday, should gather at approximately 9:30 at the back of St Francis Church.

In lieu of flowers, the family is asking for donations to several causes, one is St Peter/St Francis School.  At our next meeting, we can decide how to best honor our Brother.

Also in his honor, we will hold his position as Advocate, open until the end of his term.


Chris Zarzycki