Vivat Jesus!
A Happy and Holy Easter from the Officers of Council #55.
After you have had a great day celebrating with friends and family, get ready for a few events this coming week.
First - Thanks to all who helped at our Pancake Breakfast - when all is said and done we will put over $1000 into our bank account to keep doing the work to help our parish.
Second - Thanks to all who helped with the Easter services, from Holy Thursday Mass, to the Good Friday Procession and any other help you did this weekend.
Now to business:
1. Wednesday April 12 at 8am to whenever at St Peter Hall - the Holy Name is making meatballs - feel free to stop in an help.
2. That same night is our monthly meeting at St Peter's Hall, but we have an additional surprise.
We will be hosting a virtual Fraternal benefits webinar at 7pm.
We need 7 people who did not attend the one in February to attend, so we can fulfil our requirements for the year.
So come a 1/2 hour early, and stay for the meeting - two things in one night!
More information to come.