Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy and Holy Christmas

A Happy and Holy Christmas to all members of Solidarity Council 55.

Please remember in your prayers all members and family who are suffering from illness at this time of year.


Chris Zarzycki

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Luminaria - All Souls Day

The Knights of Columbus - Solidarity Council 55, braved the wind and the rain to successfully light lumnaria at Sacred Heart, St Francis, St Mary and St Peter Churches on Saturday Night, November 2.

St Francis Church
The Set up went well but around 6:15 the wind picked up and a light rain came down making keeping the candles lit and keeping the bags from catching on fire.  Around 6:30 the skies cleared, the wind died down and calm was restored.  The candles burned until about 7:30 and many parishioners came to see the memorials.

Luminaria Memorials

Thanks to all Knights all the Knights who worked that night and a special thanks to Knight Frank Chawaniec who planned the event.  This fourth year was our most successful with over 400 on display at the four churches.

Chris Zarzycki

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Officers Installed

It took a while, but our officers for the 2013 - 2014 year have been officially installed at the 9am Mass at Sacred Heart today (10/13/2013)

Many Knights were in attendance and we had started selling Luminaria after all the Masses.

Our next main event is our annual Tag Sale on October 19th with drop offs on October 17 and set up on October 18th.

An e-mail with more details will be going out during he week.


Chris Zarzycki

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

First Friday

This Saturday is First Friday and there will be Eucharistic Adoration form 8am Friday through 8am Saturday morning at Sacred Heart Church

Deacon Roy implores us to spend some time in contemplation in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

You can sign up to take an hour of responsibility or just stop in for as much time as you have available.  At night you use the side door and knock if it is locked.

Tag Sale

Brother Knights,


Tomorrow evening (Thursday October 3) we will be collecting tag sale items/donations at St. Mary Church from 6:00-7:00.  If you wish to donate, please stop down at some point during the scheduled time frame.  Again, think about neighbors, family members, or friends.  Maybe they would be willing to make a donation.  As always, feel free to contact me at the above email address, or call 860-489-5957.  Thanks again!


Matt Mastrogiovanni

In Memory

Last Sunday, September 29th, 2013, Arthur Smith passed away. He was a Knight and father of Rev Anthony Smith, another fellow Knight formerly involved in the start of Council 55.

First Visitation When Thursday, October 3rd, 2013, 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Rowe Funeral Home
283 Torrington Road
Litchfield, CT

Service Information
Friday, October 4th, 2013, 11:00am
Officiating The Rev. Anthony Smith
St. Thomas Church - Goshen


Sunday, September 8, 2013

September News

Due to conflicts we are looking at a new date for the Quarterly Mass and Officer Installation.  The current target date is October 13 as this is the Columbus Holiday weekend.

Remember the Tag Sale is October 19th and we are still looking for donations, so if you have a neighbor who has a tag sale in the meantime and would like to donate some items, let Matt know.

We have been asked to help with parking control at the Cluster picnic on Saturday September 22.  The picnic starts at 10:30 with a Mass at 11, so we will need some men there probably around 10am.  Please contact ChrisZ at cmz55-KOC55@yahoo.com so we can set up a schedule.  Other shifts would be 11 to 12 and 12 - 1.

For those who may not know Deacon Sullivan will be joining the Cluster on weekends to help out at Mass on other functions.  We wish to welcome him back during his Seminary studies.

Recorder - Chris Zarzycki

Monday, August 19, 2013

From our Grand Knight

August 18, 2013

Brother Knights:

I hope this letter finds you well and you have had a great summer. It is with great pleasure that announce that Fr. John Granato, our Cluster Administrator, has accepted our invitation to serves as our Chaplain.

I am looking forward to our upcoming fraternal year and the great honor of serving our council as your Grand Knight. I speak for myself and the other officers who thank you for the trust you have placed in us.

Our regularly scheduled monthly meetings are resuming on Thursday, August 22, at 7:30 PM at St. Mary’s Church basement. This meeting will take a different form in that I would like to conduct it in a “round table” format and invite you to come prepared to discuss our plans for this year. I would like to work on our calendar of events to include our fund raising efforts as well as our quarterly Masses and the other liturgical events that Fr. John would like our assistance and presence.

Thank you again for your support. I look forward to seeing all of you on the 22nd.


SK Joseph C. Guarnieri
Grand Knight

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Reminder - No July Business Meeting

There is no July Business Meeting.

Regular meetings will resume in August with planning meetings for Fall events like the Tag Sale, Luminaria Sale and the Christmas Magnets Sale along with our Poster Contest.

We will be doing a membership drive in the Fall and participating in other Cluster activities.


Chris Zarzycki

Friday, June 28, 2013

2013 - 14 Officers

Several new officers were elected at the June 26 meeting.

Joseph Guarnieri will assume the position of Grand Knight from Anthony Olivapotenza, who will take on one of the trustee positions.

Louis Reynolds will take the position of Assistant Grand Knight and Chris Zarzycki will be the Recorder for the 2013 -2014 council year.

We thank those stepping down, Gerald Belli and James Eichner,  for their service this past year.


Chris Zarzycki

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

From Our Grand Knight

Note - This is correction - the date is Friday June 28th for the setup.

Brother Knights,

Once again our services are requested to help set up St. Peter /St. Francis School for Father's party.  Maria Daddario has asked for anyone who can help set up tables and chairs to come to the school Friday night June 28, at 5:00 PM.  It should not take a lot of time to do and the help is greatly appreciated for our Council Chaplain and Pastor.



Sunday, June 9, 2013

Parking lot duty

Thanks to all fellow Knights who helped with Parking lot duty on June 1.

Deacon Roy and his son Brian (who was visiting from Michigan)
Chris Zarzycki
Rovert Capitanio
Willard Reynolds
Gerald Belli
Thomas Gluz

Thanks for all your help.

Knights Events

Our 4th degree Knights helped out at two events in the last few weeks.

Knight led the students in for their confirmation:

The Next week the let the Corpus Christi Procession:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Corpus Christi Procession

Brother Knights,

If you have not been able to help so far this year, this is a easy way to help the Church.

Father John ha asked if we could police the St Francis parking lot on June 1.

This would be from about 2 pm until 5.

There are events at the Warner and we want to keep this open for Confession and the 5pm Mass.

The idea is to put cones up at entrance and exit and maybe a sign that would say for Church Parking only.

If we could get 6 volunteers they could take 1 hour per pair.   If someone was going to the St Francis Mass they could take the last hour.


The procession on June 1st has been simplified.

If is only going from St Peter to Sacred Heart.

Starts with the 4 pm Mass
5:00 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
5:30 Procession
6:15 (approx) Arrive at Sacred Heart for Exposition
6:30 Benediction
6:45 Refreshments in the hall

Knights are welcome to walk and act as safety monitors.

Please contact Tony at (860) 618-2722 or Chris at 860-307-5204 
or e-mail cmz55-chrisz@yahoo.com

Chris Zarzycki

Annual Elections

From our Grand Knight:


Once again it is that time of year for the election of new officers. As I stated last July, I am not seeking a fourth term as Grand Knight.
If you are interested please let me know as soon as you can prior to our next meeting June 27.
There are 3 positions that cannot be applied for, they are appointed (Chaplain, Financial Secretary, and Lecturer).
Some Knights have already expressed an interest in some of the Officer positions. I thank you.
As always I will be involved, but we need some change and welcome new ideas.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Silver Rose Prayer Service

Save the Date
A one-night stop of the “Silver Rose” Icon of Our lady of Guadalupe has been scheduled in Torrington. The Silver Rose began its journey in Canada and will ultimately arrive in Mexico City on the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12, 2013. Please join us in a prayer service

Our Lady of Guadalupe - One Life, One Rose - Silver Rose Prayer Service
Join us in praying to Our Lady to strengthen efforts to restore the culture of life in our society.
Where: St Peter Church
Day: April 30, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM
Through moral conscience God speaks to each of us, inviting us to defend human life at all times”. – Pope Benedict XVI March 1, 2011
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus

Thursday, April 11, 2013

From our Grand Knight - New Field Agent

Brother Knights,

I met recently with our new field agent, Chris Radlicz. I have extended an invitation to him to join us in our next business meeting, Thursday, April 25, at 7:30 PM. He has accepted and is looking forward to meeting with each member of Council 55.

If you should have the need to meet with him prior to the 25th, his contact information is as follows:

203 267 7710 Office
914 715 8575 Cell

Keep these dates open

Fellow Knights,

Some dates to mark on your calendar:

Confirmation is May 10th and we have been asked if we will work the parking lot as we have done in the past.  They need traffic control so we can keep the parking lots free for parking for the service.

Also, on May 19th is the Pentecost Picnic and we have been asked to help with cooking hot dogs and hamburgers.

These events will be discussed at the business meeting on April 25th so be sure to be there.


Chris Zarzycki

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Upcoming Cluster Events

Friday March 15 - Lenten Fish Bake - 4:30 - 7 pm Sacred Heart Church

Friday March 15 - Stations of the Cross - 7 pm Sacred Heart Church

Saturday March 16th - Movie Night - Lillies of the Field - 6:30 pm

Friday, March 1, 2013

Stations at Sacred Heart

It was good to see fellow Knight and Seminarian - Deacon Jim Sullivan at Stations of the Cross at Sacred Heart.  He said he will be there next week also - 7pm on Friday.


Chris Zarzycki

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Stations of the Cross - Torrington

Father said that this information got left out of the bulletin this week:

Stations will held Wednesdays at 7pm in Spanish at St Peter and Friday at 7 at Sacred Heart.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sending E-Mail

With the occurrence of the Parish e-mail being hacked, this is a good time to remember how to send e-mail to multiple people.

When you send an e-mail, you have 3 choices:


Sometimes the bcc: does not show up right away, but it is there - see your e-mail instructions on how to make it appear.

Now if you are sending an e-mail to a group, here is what your e-mail header should look like:

From:  YourName@123.com

To: YourName@123.com
bcc: Friend1@abc.com; Friend2@abc.com; Friend3@123.com, etc.

This way the person receiving the e-mail does not see all the other people's e-mail.

If someone gets a hold of a list of e-mails it is very easy to send an e-mail that is a forgery to all the people on the list.  Then it just takes one person to open a virus and after that, who knows.

So please use the bcc field when sending e-mails to multiple people.


Chris Zarzycki

Thursday, January 31, 2013

From the Evangelization Committee

From Donna Pusacke

Hi Everyone- Our next Evangelization meeting is scheduled for this Saturday February 2nd at 9:15am.
During this Year of Faith and with Lent fast approaching we have a lot to plan.
First up is the Archdiocesan Lenten Confession Campaign that will take place every Monday night during Lent, at every church from  7 -8 pm. Fr Tiano has asked that we hand the "Light4you" postcards out at every Mass this weekend, so we will be looking for people to sign up to help cover all of the doors to hand these out.
We will also be taking sign ups for people to be at each of the churches on Monday nights to greet people and stay during Adoration.
Some other topics that we need to address are the Rediscover Catholicism discussions, the renewal of wedding vows on 2/10, the Lenten movie nights, Year of Faith presentations and more!
If you would like to gather to pray the Rosary for the intentions of our evangelization efforts before our meeting please come by 9am.
If you are unable to attend the meeting but can take a door at a Mass to hand out the postcards please reply and let me know.
Spread the word and invite a friend. Hope to see you Saturday.
P.S.Our 24 hour Adoration is this Friday, Bob Darigis will be playing worship music from 7 - 8 pm.