Sunday, June 11, 2023

Attention, Our Monthly Meeting has been changed to June 21.

Our meeting will be this Wednesday, June 21 at 7:30pm  - St Peter Hall. 

 Rumor is Pizza will be making an appearance. 

 We need to confirm officers for 2023-2024 and also plans for our Memorial Mass. Streaming is planned. 

Monday, June 5, 2023

Attention - Activities this week!

 We have been asked to help out at two events this week.

One is the Corpus Christi Procession

It starts after the 10 am Mass on this Sunday, June 11th and will be a procession to Coe Park.

This is where they are looking for assistance to help keep people safe during the procession.

Also - this has just come up.

Graduation for St John Paul the Great Academy is this Friday and they are in desperate need of volunteers to help with parking, as there is an event at the Warner AND the Lions Club car show is taking up all of downtown.  

If you can help from about 5 - 6:30 on Friday, it would be great - you could then go over and see the car show!

To sign up for either - please email or call or text  860-307-5204 ASAP so we can plan.
