Saturday, May 19, 2018


Here is the current status of our Elections for year 2018 - 2019

Grand Knight - Brian Dungan

Deputy Grand Knight - Open

Treasurer - Tim Flynn

Recorder - Open

Outside Guard - Steve Kozlack

Advocate - Dave Neri

Chancellor - Matt Mastrogiovanni

Inside Guard - Willard Reynolds

Warden - Albert Lafleur

Trustees  Andy Lach, Mark Neri, Andre Cote  (one opening*)

*Andy as 1 year Trustee would leave this position but could run again if no one else is nominated.

If you are interested in running for any positions, contact one of the officers or e-mail back and  your name will be presented on the slat at the next meeting.

Nominations will be closed at the next meeting and elections held.

Chaplain and Financial Secretary are appointed positions.

Mark Sosnowski is stepping down as Financial Secretary and Tom Amoroso is planning to replace him.