Wednesday, April 19, 2023

KOC Exemplification Saturday April 22 at 5pm in Bristol

 There will be an Exemplification in Bristol on Saturday April 22 at 5pm

Church of Saint Anthony of Padua 111 School St., Bristol, CT 06010

I think the church faces Rt 72.

The ceremony itself takes about 35 minutes and is open to friends and family.  This allows you to make 1st through 3rd degree, or 2nd and 3rd if already a 1st degree

There is a Mass at 4pm if you wish to fulfil your obligation, but it is not necessary for the Exemplification.

Knights are welcome to support the new Knights.  Right now we are expecting at least one new member of Council 55 to be there.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Convention Raffle Tickets

 For those who were not at our last meeting, we have Convention raffle tickets for sale.  The Council buys a pack of 10 and the rest are available for members to purchase.  Top prize is $5,000, down to 10th prize of $200.   Hopefully this year is lucky for Council 55, but even if we do not win, a portion of the proceeds will come back to the council.

The tickets have to be turned in by May 1, so if you would like to purchase them, email: ASAP with the number of tickets you wish to purchase and I will send you instructions for payment,  As I have done in the past, I will fill out the ticket, and forward you a picture of the tickets and send you the actual tickets by mal if you cannot pick them up.

The drawing will be held on May 5, 2023 

Thank you

Monday, April 10, 2023

KOC News for week of April 9

  Vivat Jesus!

A Happy and Holy Easter from the Officers of Council #55.  

After you have had a great day celebrating with friends and family, get ready for a few events this coming week.

First - Thanks to all who helped at our Pancake Breakfast - when all is said and done we will put over $1000 into our bank account to keep doing the work to help our parish.

Second - Thanks to all who helped with the Easter services, from Holy Thursday Mass, to the Good Friday Procession and any other help you did this weekend.

Now to business:

1. Wednesday April 12 at 8am to whenever at St Peter Hall  - the Holy Name is making meatballs - feel free to stop in an help.

2. That same night is our monthly meeting at St Peter's Hall,  but we have an additional surprise.

      We will be hosting a virtual Fraternal benefits webinar at 7pm.

      We need 7 people who did not attend the one in February to attend, so we can fulfil our requirements for the year.

    So come a 1/2 hour early, and stay for the meeting - two things in one night!

More information to come.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast

 Thanks to everyone who helped out at our Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast.  It is estimated we served around 150 meals.  We had a good turn out of members.  If anyone took pictures, please send them to as I was too busy to take any! Thanks