Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December Meetings

From our Worthy Grand Knight

Fellow Knights,
With the Holidays fast approaching, we all have lots of things going on and ussually not enough time to get them done. With that in mind, the Officers of Solidarity Council 55 have decided to cancel our meetings for the month of December. That should free enough time to give back 15 minutes this weekend for the "Keep Christ in Christmas' sales.
From the Officers and Myself we want to wish all of you and your families a Holy and Happy Holiday season. Stay well, stay safe, and keep Christ in Christmas.

Keep Christ in Christmas Magnets

From our Worthy Grand Knight:

Sir Knights Tom Gluz and Matt Mastrogiovanni are leading the effort to sell the "Keep Christ in Christmas" magnets and are looking for a few  good men to help them out.

This weekend, (December 10th and 11th) following each Mass at our four churches they are prepared to sell the magnets.

You all attend Mass, so just give 15 minutes of your time following the Mass to help.

Please sign up with Tom at 860 482 8644

Thank you.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Torrington Catholic Faith Rally

November 13th will be the second Faith Rally put on by the Parishes in Torrington.

With the storm and power outage I am sure some preparation is behind schedule.

Watch your e-mail for updates.

Right now help is needed Friday Night and Saturday for setup at St Peter/St Francis School.

More to follow.

Chris Zarzycki

All Souls Day 2011

On November 2, Knights from Solidarity Council 55 lit up Torrington in the midst of the power outage challenging many at that time.

 Here are pictures from St Francis:

 While the numbers were down from 2010 due to not being able to sell during the storm weekend, Brother Frank Chawaniec and his teams still went beyond the call of duty to make this event a success.  More information will be posted later.  If you have pictures, please e-mail them to KOCSolidarity55@gmail.com

St Francis Festival Cookout

On October 1, Knights from Solidarity Council 55 ran the American Grill at the St Francis Festival.  Things were slow until after the Blessing of the Animals but it then took off afterwards.

Deacon Roy, Joe Guanieri, Chris Zarzycki and Matt Paventy helped run the grill while Tom Gluz sold Luminaria and Keep Christ in Christmas magnets.  Delcy Voisine and Jerry Belli helped set up the tent and chairs for the St Francis Dinner that night.

We learned how we can save money next year and make this event more profitable for both St Francis and the Knights.  Put it on your schedule for next year!

If you were there and not listed above - please give me a call. - Thanks

Chris Zarzycki

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Upcoming Knight Events

Fellow Knights:

The next few weeks are going to be busy ones for the Knights - Remember how we asked  for only a few hours of your time each year?  Speaking on behalf of your Grand Knight, now is the time for a few hours.

Here is a schedule for the next events.  Please pick as many as you can possibly help with and get back to either Tony or one of the other officers.


.September 29 - Moving chairs and tables for St Francis Festival - 5 - 6pm

October 1 - American Grill - St Francis Festival 11 - 2 pm work grill, possible Tootsie Roll program and Luminaria Sales

October 8 - Help with parking at St Francis (Big Warner event in town that night) 4 - 5:00 pm

October ?? Chair and table marking for Faith Rally - this is a great activity in that there is a whole month of time available.  Brother Ralph Murphy is organizing 

 October 22-23 Luminaria Sale - After all the Masses

October 29 - 30 - Luminaria Sale - After all the Masses

November 2 - All Souls Day - Luminaria set up and Church watch - 6 - 9pm

November 11-12 Faith Rally set up (times TBD)

November 13 - Faith Rally  - Clean up and tear down at night, some work can be done on the 14th.

This looks like a lot but most activities require only an hour or so.  For the events at Mass, if you go to that mass, we are usually only looking for 15 minutes before and after - no additional traveling required!

Please take an active role in the next few months.  Instead of saying "I can't help the Knights (and the Cluster), I have to do (something else)"  you should say, "Sorry, I am not available at that time, I am working with the Knights."


Chris Zarzycki

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September Events

September is back to school and the Knights get back to work.

September 8th is the officer's meeting.

September 11th is a prayer service at the churches in remembrance of 9/11.

September 22 is our monthly business meeting.

September 25 is the Blue Mass honoring Police, Firemen and all other First Responders.

September 29th is set up for the St Francis Festival

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Calendar Updates

Officer's meeting this week on August 11, 7:30 at St Mary.

St Francis Festival will be on October 1, volunteers will be needed.

Faith Rally coming up in November. 

There are many opportunities to help out in the Cluster.  


Chris Zarzycki/ Recorder

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Upcomming Dates and Projects

July 17 is our next Knights Mass and it will also be the Officer's Installation.

It will be held at Sacred Heart Church at the 9am Mass.

Also, we have been asked to help out with the preperation for the Vacation Bible School in August.

This will involve building and painting props for the school - more information to follow.


World Youth Day Relay

Thanks to all who contributed to my run at the World Youth Day Relay.

They raised over $2500. for the day which really helps their cause of sending 5 kids and chaperones to Spain.

More pictures to follow.

Still time to donate and don't forget their pancake breakfast on July 24th at Applebee's.


Chris Zarzycki

Sunday, June 19, 2011

World Youth Day Relay Run

In order to raise money for the trip to World Youth Day 2011, they have organized a relay run from Torrington CT to Stockbridge MA (42 miles total) on June 25th.  Each runner runs from 3 - 6 miles and have a goal of raising $100. ea.

I have committed to the run and am looking for fellow Knights to help me to my goal.  I will start by putting in $25 and will make up any shortage up to the $100.  If you are interested, please donate at the business meeting this Thursday, or you can contact me directly at cmz55-chrisz@yahoo.com.   If you need to make out a check, the need to be made out to your Parish, with World Youth Day donation on the check.

Now, if you want to participate, there are probably spots still available.  E-mail me at the above for details.

If every Knight gave just $3. I can meet my goal.  Thanks for your  consideration.

Chris Zarzycki

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Corpus Christi Procession

Our Council has been asked to participate in the Corpus Christi Procession on Sunday, June 26th.

More information will be forthcoming.


Welcome to the Knights of Columbus, Solidarity Council #55 of Torrington Blog.

We hope this will help members keep in touch and also share our experiences as we serve our religious community in Torrington.