Wednesday, March 29, 2023

 From our District Deputy:

Worthy GK's and Brother Knights,

I will be hosting an exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity this coming Palm Sunday April 2nd.  It will take place at 12:30pm at St. Anthony's Church 111 School St in Bristol.

If you have a candidate that needs to be exemplified, please let me know so we can prepare. 

Have candidates,  supporting Brothers, and families arrive at 12 for a ceremony start @12:30pm sharp.  

Candidates, brothers should wear jacket /suit and tie as the ceremony will be conducted in the Church. 

What a great day to make some Knights!!  I encourage your attendance and thank you for your involvement building our order!


Michael Shea DD

District 25


If you have signed up online or are thinking of signing up online, this is a great chance to meet all your requirements so you can join Council #55.  Or maybe you know someone who has been thinking of joining.  The ceremony itself takes about 35 minutes.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast

 Our Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast is coming up this Sunday from 8am to 12pm.  We will be working from 6am - 1pm,  Note, the 8:30 mass at St Peter has been changed to 8pm according to the bulletin.  This could affect parking for people coming over from the 7am Mass.  We are working on parking for volunteers in order not to take up parking spaces.  Watch this space and your emails.  This is a time for all members to volunteer at some time during the event, from setup to cleanup.  Thank you.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Pancake Breakfast


Volunteers needed!
If you have not already signed up
Email :

Friday, March 17, 2023

Knights #55 News Weekend of March 18-19

We will be selling tickets this weekend after all the Masses.
If you have already signed up, go to the main entrance of the Church before the end of Mass.
If you have not signed up and want to help, do the same, we can always use the help.
Also, we will be helping with the Lenten retreat:
We will be cooking breakfast with the Holy Name,  on Saturday March 25th.
We start around 6 am but can use help anytime during the event.  

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Change to Meeting Date (Update)

 Meeting Update

Still on for Wednesday March 15th pending the storm ending.

Watch here for more info.



We apologize but we have to move our monthly meeting from March 8th to MARCH 15.

Same Time and place  7:30 at St Peter Hall.

Please spread the word to all Knights

There will be a planning meeting for the pancake dinner on March 8th at 7:30 at St Peter Hall - all are welcome.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Exemplification held 2/26/2023

 We held our first Degrees Ceremony in many years at St Peter Church on February 26, 20223

From Council #55 we welcomed one new Knight and 3 Knights received the 2nd and 3rd degree. 
Other members came out to support our council and there were 5 other new Knights from other councils who made 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree under the new format which allowed Family and friends to attend.

After the ceremony refreshments were served in St Peter Hall.
Thanks to District Deputy Michael Shea and the other State Officers assisting as presenters.

If online members where not able to attend, contact an officer to find out when the next Exemplification is scheduled.