Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Frank Hayes

We have lost one of our founding members on November 8, 2017

Frank was one of the founding members, chosen by Father Tiano due to he extensive work in the parishes.  Later, due to illness, he was unable to help out but always had a great smile to fellow members.  We offer our condolences to his wife Dorothy and his family on his passing.

The funeral Mass was help on November 8 and details of his life can be found here:


Rest in peace fellow Knight.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Wow - it has been a busy time for everyone this year and I have gotten behind in updating this blog.  Hopefully the upcoming season will slow down enough to allow me to train others to help keep this up to date.

Chris Z

Sunday, May 21, 2017

June Business Meeting and Elections

June 1 will be our next business meeting and the most important item on the agenda is our annual elections.

This meeting will start yearly for some dinner - we are planning pizza or similar - more information as we get closer.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Pancake Tickets and Magnet Sales starting this week

We will be selling tickets to our Pancake Breakfast and also the "He has Risen" magnets after Mass this weekend.

If you have not signed up, see the sign up sheets elsewhere on this blog.

Thanks for your assistance.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017


We have the new "He is Risen" magnets that we will be selling at the same time as our pancake tickets.  We will not be selling them this weekend.

If you have an event before then and you would like to sell them, please contact ChrisZ and we will get them to you.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Welcome new members!

Solidarity Council #55 held a First Degree Ceremony on February 16.

We welcome 6 new members:

Michael Rosa
Kevin Rosa
Deacon Richard Hamel
John Swabski
Gregory Nypert
Matthew Daly
Congratulations to our new members and we look to our next membership drive.