Thursday, January 31, 2013

From the Evangelization Committee

From Donna Pusacke

Hi Everyone- Our next Evangelization meeting is scheduled for this Saturday February 2nd at 9:15am.
During this Year of Faith and with Lent fast approaching we have a lot to plan.
First up is the Archdiocesan Lenten Confession Campaign that will take place every Monday night during Lent, at every church from  7 -8 pm. Fr Tiano has asked that we hand the "Light4you" postcards out at every Mass this weekend, so we will be looking for people to sign up to help cover all of the doors to hand these out.
We will also be taking sign ups for people to be at each of the churches on Monday nights to greet people and stay during Adoration.
Some other topics that we need to address are the Rediscover Catholicism discussions, the renewal of wedding vows on 2/10, the Lenten movie nights, Year of Faith presentations and more!
If you would like to gather to pray the Rosary for the intentions of our evangelization efforts before our meeting please come by 9am.
If you are unable to attend the meeting but can take a door at a Mass to hand out the postcards please reply and let me know.
Spread the word and invite a friend. Hope to see you Saturday.
P.S.Our 24 hour Adoration is this Friday, Bob Darigis will be playing worship music from 7 - 8 pm.