Saturday, November 9, 2019

Anniversary Social

On January 1, 2010, Solidarity Council #55 was chartered.  Actually this was the re-chartering of an old Council that had become dormant - hence the low council #.

We are planning a catered social in late January and are looking for members, or potential members to help with this.  Contact the Recorder or any officer if you would like to help

Knights News

November 16 - Volunteers needed for Cardboard City - Guards needed for 1 hour stints between 12am and 6am  to watch over the kids and adults camping out in front of St FRancis Church
Contact Recoder to put your name on the list

First Degree - We are looking to put together a First Degree Ceremony in January 

Our Next Business meeting is December 5 so you don't want to miss this!

Knights Happenings

We have just finished a successful Luminaria Event.

St Peter  170
St Francis 136
Sacred Heart 89

Sunday, June 30, 2019


Our July meeting will be on July 11th as the regular meeting would normally fall on the 4th of July holiday.

Our Memorial Mass is still scheduled for July 14th at the 10 am Mass at St Francis.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Passing of a fellow Knight

I received the news today of the passing of Willard Reynolds.

Willard was our honored Inside Guard for many years and an active member of Council 55. Many times he would be collecting tickets at various events when he was no longer able to help with more strenuous activities, and was always at our quarterly and Memorial Masses.

Here is information on the services:

Because the calling hours are Thursday night, our Grand Knight has asked all who can, be present.

Our regular meeting might start a few minutes late.

A call has gone out to the 4th degree, if you have not been notified, please contact Armand Roy

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Knights News Council #55 week of 2/24 to 3/2

Mardi Gras - We are cooking pancakes again this year.  The Date is March 5 and we need people to start cooking early this year.  If you are able to come to St Peter/St Francis school from between 2:30 and 3:30pm , please confirm to this e-mail as soon as possible.  The event itself goes from 6pm to about 9 but the peak time for cooking pancakes is from around 4 - 6.    We know many people are working and cannot get there until 5, if you can make it we still need your help.

First Friday is this coming weekend.  Our coverage is from 2am - 3am Saturday morning.  If you have not signed up and are interested, please reply to this email.

Next Business Meeting is March 7 at 7:30 pm at Sacred Heart Hall.  If you are a new online member and do not have a membership card or printout of membership, please contact me before the meeting.

Two Hearts annual dinner will be March 31.  This conflicts with the McGivney dinner which is also March 31.  More information to follow.

The annual parish men's retreat is March 8 - 10.  More information in the bulletin.

If you know someone who is interested in joining the Knights and needs a First Degree Ceremony, please forward their name.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Nothing certain but change

Just as we were celebrating Father Carlos' 30th anniversary of Ordination, we have to say goodbye.  There was a going away celebration on February 16th at St Peter/St Francis School.

Now we await the arrival of our newest priest - Father Maricio Garlvis.

Please welcome him to our Parish when he arrives.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Pancake Breakfast

Our Pancake Breakfast will be on Sunday, April 11 at St Peter Hall.

Tickets will be sent out to all members and will be on sale the prior 2 weeks after all the Masses.

Please save some time to assist in selling.  We need 3 people per each Mass to make this happen.