Thursday, July 27, 2023

Visit from the Archbishop

 Dear Brother Knights,


I trust this email finds you all in good health and high spirits.


I am writing to share some exciting news that I received from the Archbishop's office yesterday. His Excellency, Archbishop Blair, will visit our beloved parish St. John Paul the Great Parish, this coming Sunday. He will be celebrating the 10 AM Mass at St. Francis.


I acknowledge that this information comes at short notice and that many of you may already have plans in place for the weekend. Despite the abrupt timing, I felt it was crucial to promptly share this news with you.


This is a significant event for our parish, reinforcing our shared faith and commitment. The Archbishop's presence is a moment of honor and a chance for us to come together as a community in worship and fellowship.


With this in mind, I would like to invite you to attend this Mass if your commitments allow. Your presence would symbolize our collective dedication to the Church and provide a valuable opportunity for us to interact with His Excellency.


I appreciate that this short notice may not allow everyone to adjust their schedules accordingly. However, should circumstances permit, I believe this unique opportunity to partake in the Mass celebrated by the Archbishop will be an enriching experience for us all.


I look forward to, hopefully, seeing you at the Mass. As we gather, let us use this occasion to deepen our community's bonds further and celebrate our shared faith.


Thank you for your continued commitment to St. John Paul the Great Parish. Your support is instrumental in making our parish a thriving community of faith, and I am confident that together, we can make the Archbishop's visit a memorable event.


Best regards,


Fr. Emmanuel